We are living in very unique circumstances at the moment which calls for us to band together as a community.
As the COVID-19 situation evolves and announcements are coming through not only daily but sometimes hourly, it is timely that we bring you our update on how we are dealing with this situation moving forward.
The team at More Than Tax will be operating as normal, however majority of the team will be working remotely. Despite this change we are doing our best to ensure it is as close to ‘business as usual’ as possible.
As of today, we will not be having traditional face-to-face appointments for the foreseeable future. All other modes of communication will be available; emails, phone calls, teleconferences, etc.
For the health and safety of our team members, and considering most of our team will be working remotely we will no longer be accepting paper documents and postal mail until further notice.
Please send electronic copies of documents (PDFs preferred) to info@morethantax.com.au. If the file size of the documents exceeds the email transfer limit, please share the Drop Box, Box Drive, Google Drive or your preferred cloud sharing platform link to info@morethantax.com.au.
We are committed to continue to be of service to you all during this period, however we are just as committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff and the greater community in taking the necessary steps to help slow the spread of this virus.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Most importantly, stay safe! Let’s work through this together!
